YARO and the National Malaria Elimination Programme Partner on intensive anti-malaria campaign

The Youth Advocacy on Rights and Opportunities (YARO) in partenrship with the National Malaria Elimination Program (MNEP) is implementing a community-level advocacy and sensitization program aimed at eliminating Malaria in fifteen (15) selected communities within West Mamprusi district of the North East Region of Ghana.

The project is aimed at eliminating malaria among community members, children under five (5) years, and increase IPTP uptake among pregnant women.

Under this project, YARO has selected and trained over 30 community volunteers to equip them with requisite knowledge and skills, to enable them identify and follow up on pregnant women, to increase IPTP intake in the district, carry out house to house sensitizations on malaria interventions, and to mobilize community members for sensitization purposes.

The community volunteers are taught the key SBC messages such as the use of ITNs every night, testing before treatment, completing treatment medications of malaria as prescribed, avoiding self-medication on suspected malaria cases, desilting chocked gutters and all mosquito breeding places, among others.

They are also trained on community mobilization techniques to help with mobilizing people for community durbars anytime there is to be training or gathering for the purposes of sensitization and others.

The national malaria elimination program is a yearly project funded by the Global fund.

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