YARO Conducts VSLA Youth Trainings in some Districts in the Upper West Region

The Youth Advocacy on Rights and Opportunities (YARO) has trained over 70 youth in the Upper West Region to drive their passion to have interest in savings, entrepreneurship and project management.

The 70 youth were drawn from YARO’s VSLA groups across the Upper West Region’s districts including Wa East, Nadowli-Kaleo, Daffiama, Bussie, and Issah.

Some 100 young people also received training separately in entrepreneurship and project management, to support them build their capacities in managing projects.

The trainings were held in turns in the various districts, with the youth coming in their numbers and showing interest in getting the guide they require to change their fortunes and those of their communities, through entrepreneurship.

Programme Officer for the Market System Resilience (MSR), Ibrahim Salifu, who led in the organization and the delivery of the trainings said YARO considers the youth as an integral part of the nation’s development, hence the decision to provide them training in savings and entrepreneurship, to raise their interest in creating jobs for themselves.

The trainings are part of VSLA activities under the 6months Market System Resilience (MSR). And funded by, USAID.

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