YARO Organizes Conferences to Address Health Challenges Facing the Youth

The Youth Advocacy on Rights and Opportunities (YARO) has organized a series of conferences on the sustainability of youth health, family planning and reproductive health.

These conferences, focusing mainly on the youth, are aimed at empowering the youth to easily access family planning and adolescent reproductive health.

A total of 500 youth was present in all the conferences, seeking to raise their capacities on issues of reproductive health right.

The conferences had Dr. Abdulai Danaa (lecturer at UDS) as facilitator, who shared a wealth of knowledge and information, as part of YARO’s drive towards ensuring there is enough information for young people regarding their health, as well as where they can access support on health.

 The conferences were also used to identify some of the health challenges the youth face, and the various ways of finding solutions to those challenges.

The sustainability of youth health, family planning and reproductive health conferences activity was implemented by YARO, with funding from USAID.

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